Friday, February 19, 2010

Vet Visit

So Luke, Ben, and I were at the vet again yesterday for our poor dog Maddie. She's been battling Blastomycosis since sept of 2009 along with some other junk because it has messed with her immune system. I think we are getting close to having Todd's paychecks on direct deposit to the vet office. Anyway at least every week or two we having been making trips there. I have scheduled these appointments on the two days the boys go to Mother's Day Out so I can have peaceful vet visits. Well....since we have had some real snowy weather, school has been cancelled for almost the last two weeks, so I end up bringing what feels like the entire family tree with me. You are just asking for something crazy to happen when you have a mom, a 3 year old, a 1 year old, and a sweet, but sick dog who just wants peace and quiet. Oh yeah....and all of these visits, everyone is stuffed in to the Accord....are you beginning to see why the car is trashed all of the time?
We made it to the room and the boys and I were waiting for them to bring Maddie back to us after they did some x-rays. It was actually taking awhile and I really had to use the bathroom. Ben was strapped down in the infant seat, so he wasn't going anywhere, it's just Luke I was concerned about. The bathroom door is directly beside the door to the room we were in (this is a tiny vet office). Since I was about to pee on myself I promised Luke a sucker when I returned if he would stay there and keep an eye on Ben (probably not a good idea...). I left the door to the room open, so I could somewhat hear if anything happened. I closed the bathroom door and proceeded to go. As I was sitting down I hear Luke yelling, "Mom, remember to wash your hands!" I yelled back, "Thanks Luke!" Not five seconds later he yelled, "I don't hear any water running....!" Seriously, was he listening at the door?? I'm sure we sounded nice and redneck yelling back and forth also. This vet is in old house, so that bathroom in question had a bathtub/shower in it as well. I don't think there has been a vet trip yet where he hasn't asked me if I want to take a shower before we leave! I hope this concern for cleanliness is a lasting thing....

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