Friday, February 12, 2010

An Inside Job

Whenever I pick up the boys from 'school' I am always embarrassed if anyone catches a glimpse of the inside of my car....I was starting to think my car needed to go on that 'Hoarders' show. So this past weekend I decided to clean out my car. This rarely happens. It's always a big deal, so I had to wait until the boys were down for a nap. Oh, by the way, this is just an inside cleaning. It doesn't matter how hard I try when I attempt to scrub the outside. Somehow I miss entire panels of the car and the windows look more smeared and streaked after I've 'cleaned' my husband takes this duty, thank goodness! First I have to get a few baskets to clean out everything that is not part of the car---this takes awhile and I always find something that I wasn't expecting....

Hopefully you can see the cupcake amongst all of the other crap that's underneath it. This pile is part of what came out of the back seat. Seriously...just part of the mess. I don't drive an SUV, it's a simple Honda Accord. I would possibly like a larger vehicle one day, but sometimes that thought scares me. What would I find when cleaning out that car....a random child or pet lurking under the seat? At least the cupcake was only a few weeks old, rather than a year or two. There wasn't any mold, it was just really hard. A large part of the problem is this: my children think when they finish a snack that you simply toss it wherever. I'm trying to teach Luke to hand something to me when he is finished....this is a work-barely-in-progress. Most of the time I honestly don't care what the car looks like, I just don't like to subject others to it's nastiness. So, right now I'm attempting to keep it clean, which I always do in the beginning. But...then a few cup lids and snack wrappers build up and we are back to our 'Sanford and Son' status. It's a vicious cycle! So...try not to judge to harshly if you see us! If it's between the car getting cleaned or my kids...the kids win every time.

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