Sunday, May 2, 2010

Food for thought.

Ben is the craziest eater. I think because Luke has been incredibly picky up until last week when he decided to eat salad and chicken nuggets(the one and only type of meat that he consumes); that we are so amazed over what Ben eats. Other than tuna salad and spaghetti noodles, Ben seems to like everything....including (as I mentioned in previous posts) wet dog food. Not only does Ben like a huge array of food, he eats ALOT. He always eats more than every meal. Luke eats a half a sandwich, Ben eats a whole. Luke is 3, Ben is 1. Ben almost always screams when we take him down from his high chair. This is after the initial meal plus additional servings of things like dry cereal or crackers. Ben only has 5 teeth....and he was eating more than Luke when he had 0 teeth. He should be in the 90th percentile on weight, but he is always around the 5oth or so....Anyway, I just wanted to post what he ate at Todd's parent's house last night for dinner:

1. 2 hotdogs (completely chopped up in to tiny pieces)
2. a bowl of slightly spicy chili
3. part of a hot dog bun
4. raisins
5. a drink

Am I over-reacting...or is this not that much for a 1 yr-old to eat at one meal?

Ben doing his favorite thing...eating.

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