Friday, May 14, 2010

Patience is a virtue.

One the biggest lessons learned in motherhood is patience. I feel like I'm pretty laid back and that it takes quite a bit to really truly bother me. I've accepted that I am always late now. I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter how early I get up to prepare for something. There's just no accounting for one or both kids having poop run down their legs at the precise moment I walk out the door. A big change lately...(this is not a monumental change)....has been that we switched sides in my car where the boys sit due to the fact that it gives Luke a lot more leg room. For the past several days every time we go to the car, Luke goes to his old side and then proceeds to ask why it's changed. I get that it's different. The whole time I am just repeating to Luke, "You now have more room for your feet...get in the car on the other side!" Seriously, I say this phrase 4-5 times, meanwhile Ben is screaming his head off at the back door because he thinks I'm not coming back for him. Finally, everyone is buckled. Luke is begging for a movie even though we will only be in the car for 20 min. I usually take a breath or two before starting the car and I'm OK. I guess my point in writing this, is that by the time I arrive at wherever, it usually crosses my mind..."was it really worth leaving the house?"

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