Saturday, May 22, 2010

picture worthy...

A couple days ago I was planting some stuff outside and the boys were running around playing. We had been out for awhile when I looked up and noticed Ben looked funny....
The front view was also hilarious because both diaper tabs were still stuck to him, somehow the front part just slipped.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Boys

Earlier today I took some pictures of the boys outside. There are some great shots of Luke and Ben separately, however my attempts at taking some of them together were not successful.....just see below:

Below are 2 of my favorites....



Patience is a virtue.

One the biggest lessons learned in motherhood is patience. I feel like I'm pretty laid back and that it takes quite a bit to really truly bother me. I've accepted that I am always late now. I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter how early I get up to prepare for something. There's just no accounting for one or both kids having poop run down their legs at the precise moment I walk out the door. A big change lately...(this is not a monumental change)....has been that we switched sides in my car where the boys sit due to the fact that it gives Luke a lot more leg room. For the past several days every time we go to the car, Luke goes to his old side and then proceeds to ask why it's changed. I get that it's different. The whole time I am just repeating to Luke, "You now have more room for your feet...get in the car on the other side!" Seriously, I say this phrase 4-5 times, meanwhile Ben is screaming his head off at the back door because he thinks I'm not coming back for him. Finally, everyone is buckled. Luke is begging for a movie even though we will only be in the car for 20 min. I usually take a breath or two before starting the car and I'm OK. I guess my point in writing this, is that by the time I arrive at wherever, it usually crosses my mind..."was it really worth leaving the house?"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thinking outside the box...

So the other day Luke got a new box of toothpaste out from under the sink and opened it. I told him to put the toothpaste back in the box and put it back where he found it. I saw him put it back in the box as I walked out of the bathroom....
...a little while later I came back in to the bathroom and found the above item. I asked Luke about it. His response, "I had to tape the top close." Cute.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Food for thought.

Ben is the craziest eater. I think because Luke has been incredibly picky up until last week when he decided to eat salad and chicken nuggets(the one and only type of meat that he consumes); that we are so amazed over what Ben eats. Other than tuna salad and spaghetti noodles, Ben seems to like everything....including (as I mentioned in previous posts) wet dog food. Not only does Ben like a huge array of food, he eats ALOT. He always eats more than every meal. Luke eats a half a sandwich, Ben eats a whole. Luke is 3, Ben is 1. Ben almost always screams when we take him down from his high chair. This is after the initial meal plus additional servings of things like dry cereal or crackers. Ben only has 5 teeth....and he was eating more than Luke when he had 0 teeth. He should be in the 90th percentile on weight, but he is always around the 5oth or so....Anyway, I just wanted to post what he ate at Todd's parent's house last night for dinner:

1. 2 hotdogs (completely chopped up in to tiny pieces)
2. a bowl of slightly spicy chili
3. part of a hot dog bun
4. raisins
5. a drink

Am I over-reacting...or is this not that much for a 1 yr-old to eat at one meal?

Ben doing his favorite thing...eating.