Wednesday, November 24, 2010

End of March 2010/ April 2010

This all started when I got a call from Dad's wife's daughter at the end of March 2010. Dad's wife, Ruth was in the hospital due to a broken hip. Unrelated, but four days before she broke her hip, she suffered a very mild heart attack. Ruth was set to have surgery to repair her hip and then would need therapy afterwards. Dad, who suffers from Alzheimer's would need supervision during all of this. Simple as would stay with us for a few months, when Ruth was better he would go home and life would be back to normal. Side note: Ruth is 86.

Hind sight: What bubble were Todd and I living in?

Within days of learning of Ruth's hip, Todd flew to CA to pick up dad. I think we found out on a wed and dad was here that Sunday.

Catch up fast!

So it's been awhile! I didn't realize it was June when I last wrote anything. In a nutshell, my dad has been living with us since April of this year, my brother got married in August and about a million other small things in between. Also, my sweet dog Maddie who was so sick for a year (I wrote about in previous posts) is/was doing great, but has now been missing for over a week now. Back in June we had 2 dogs...Abe and Maddie. As Maddie was making her recovery from Blastomycosis...Abe died on July 18th...totally out of the blue. Maddie seemed to be going through a depression and was crying almost every day for very long periods. Long story short: we got another dog. I found a 2 yr old red bone hound on trade radio. We brought Dixie home and Maddie and Dixie were doing really well. That was about 2 months ago. Then last week a really crazy storm blew our gate open and poof: both dogs: GONE! WE have been searching everywhere. I have called every animal control in our city and the surrounding ones. We like Dixie, but had not formed the attachment to her yet. Maddie is 7 and we have had her since she was 7 weeks old....this has been horrible. I'm hoping they or at least Maddie will find her way home. On a different note, I'm going to change my blog up a little. I'm still going to write about my crazy life, but I'm also going to chronicle our life since/ with my dad living with us. My dad is 75 years old and has Alzheimer's .