Monday, June 14, 2010

Redneck Dinner Table

So I was beginning to set the table for dinner tonight. After putting the plates down I looked down and realized a staple gun and fire crackers are laying right there beside everything else. Luke insists at every possible moment to do these stupid firecrackers....maybe we can finish dinner and light these babies up for dessert?
Update: Todd just came in and we were getting ready to sit down for dinner.....but then Luke
grabbed the fireworks and Todd took him out front to set them off...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Yard Sale....& other stuff

Well today some friends and I had a joint yard was really fun hanging out, but definitely not very profitable. I think our last yard sale spoiled us in to thinking this was going to be a huge money-maker! We almost got really rained , but we closed up just in time! Oh win some, you lose some. On a side note, recently a consignment shop in town asked me to put my painted children's letters in their shop...I've had a few sales already, so it's been really exciting!
This is a custom letter I just completed...

A few letter plaques I have done....